Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Marissa and Will

Wow, they're actually getting along long enough to get a picture.


Look at my turkey!!!
Well... daddy shot it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Vanessa Came for the Weekend

We match!! My cousin is sooo much taller than me but a few months younger than me!:P
What is that goofy girl doing?

We all got dressed up on Sunday before church.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

4th Generation iPod

I have a 4th generation iPod touch and I LOVE IT!!!

Do any of you know of any AWESOME apps?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Staying with our Cousins

This was a while ago because we were dyeing Easter eggs.
Sitting on the couch watching tv

Will dyeing eggs with dad

I get to play in the rain!!!!

All the cousins

Volleyball Party

My team for usav volleyball. (Two people weren't at the party.)
Look at that bag of popcorn!!!

We stayed at a bed and breakfast and the breakfast they fixed didn't taste so good to us kids.

Getting ready to leave That day we were exhausted because we were up until like 3:00 A. M.

Girl Scout Fashion Show

Our troop had a fashion show at Walmart
Funny pose! I'm the one towards the back in the zebra print.

After the fashion show with some little girls and their baby brothers

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Marissa's Gymnastics Meet

Annie and Marissa before their meet
Sidney and Marissa were excited that they got medals and little stuffed bears.

Annie was excited that she got her first two medals at that meet.

Layin out

Marissa and I laying out trying to get a tan the first day it was hot outside.

Cousin Fashion Show

Emily wearing a red dress
Me wearing a red shirt and pants that look like they are on fire at the bottom and my tap shoes

Sara wearing a green and purple tutu

Marissa wearing an old time flower girl dress